Since this was Sydney's first Christmas, and she is still too young to really understand, we kept it pretty simple. She loved her presents and was so happy to open, and play with them.
Her favorite gift was her books!! She was so excited to play with them. By the end of the day she was exhausted, and was so happy to fall asleep in daddy's arms.
She is growing so much and amazes us daily. This Christmas was so special, and the feeling was just really neat. We had the great opportunity to team up with our good friends, and help a family in Saint George. It was such a humbling experience, and I really want to keep doing that. This experience really made Christmas so special, and helped to truly be able to feel the spirit of the holiday.
Sydney is 15 pounds 8% in height and 3% for weight. She is tiny tiny and I love it. It is so fun to watch her just go go go. She has taken a few steps, but will only do it on her time. She has discovered the stairs, and loves to climb them. She has finally said Mama!! It just melted my heart!! I totally teared up. Hearing her say that really makes me realize that she does know who I am. She has quite the little vocabulary, and is learning daily. The words she can say (I won't include the words we think she has said or sounded like said these are words that she has actually said fully aware) Hi,dadda,babba, all done, and mama! She has two official teeth, and I am sure more are on there way. She amazes us daily, and has truly showed us what happiness feels like. She is so much fun. I know any parent would agree at how special this time is!
Until next time...